Saturday, November 19, 2011

Atheists: I am writing a new scientific textbook, what do you think?

I am writing a high school textbook on the origins of the automobile. Here is a quick overview:

"Billions of years ago, some rubber particles became separated from a rubber tree. Eventually, these rubber particles came together and formed a tire. A few million years later, three other tires formed the same way and came together with the first tire.

After several million more years, the four tires developed a chassis and two axles: one per pair of tires. Eventually, an internal combustion engine evolved, enclosing itself within the hood.

Scientists are not certain what type of car evolved first, but they know that it was the common ancestor of all cars that exist today. This car would eventually reproduce and give rise to every single type of automobile on the modern highways.

It is readily obvious that all cars share this common ancestor since they all have so many automotive systems in common (e.g., fuel delivery, braking, cooling, etc.).

You can often see the genetic similarities between, say, a Camaro and a Corvette. Scientists believe that a prototype car is a shared common ancestor between these vehicles and that all Chevys would eventually evolve from it."

Anyway, I am modeling this book after a high school Biology textbook. Does it sound pretty good so far?|||Somebody neglected to tell you that that is a dishonest comparison. Living things are not comparable to manufactured items, where are the factories where people are put together?

One can only attack the truth with lies because that's all there is left.|||Knock yourself out.|||No, it doesn't sound "pretty good so far". The fact that you would compare something as complex as "the beginning of the human species" to something as simple as a rubber tire is strange. You're trying to say, "since my story is stupid, and because I've based my story on the premise of evolution...then evolution must be stupid." But you fail miserably because, again, you can't compare "LIFE ON EARTH" to a "rubber tire". *sigh* Try again, come back later.

I've said it before but now I'm serious....I think I lost a few million brain cells reading this question in it's entirety.|||That you're conflating living entities with artificial devices as creationists tend to do.|||I'm wondering...don't they usually give those kinds of jobs to people with an understanding of science? You got lucky.|||When you can differentiate between a living organism and inanimate objects and understand why it is a bogus analogy then perhaps you would be ready to write a textbook.

We did answer you by stating that it is a bogus analogy to compare living and inanimate objects.|||It'll sell like mad in the creationist home-school market... They love being fed bullshit and claiming it's science....|||It might be better if you knew one iota about science before writing your textbook. On the other hand, it hasn't stopped other creationists around the world. Knock yourself out!|||Except there is verifiable and undeniable evidence concerning when and who built the first car.

Who Invented the First Ever Car

Ferdinand Verbiest invented the first car in the year 1672. It was the first ever car invented and was powered by steam. Ferdinand was an experimentalist and a missionary to China. He built his car in China. Hence you could rightly say, the first ever car was made in China.

In 1769, the first self-propelled car was designed and built by Nicholas Cugnot. His model of car was a three-wheeler.

Francois Isaac Rivaz, a Swiss inventor, designed and invented the first ever car with an internal combustion engine. This car engine was fueled with a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. This car was made in 1806. However, this design was not a success.

The car models designed and built by Samuel Brown, Samuel Morey and Etienne Lenoir were also a failure.

In 1881, Gustave Trouve not only designed and invented the first ever car powered by electricity but also demonstrated the functioning of this automobile at an International Exhibition of Electricity in Paris.

Four years later in 1885, Karl Benz designed and built a car powered by gasoline. This car was made in Germany. This was the first ever car to be granted a patent in 1886. The rest is history and the world acknowledged Karl Benz as the "Inventor of the modern automobile". He also invented the first ever car with an internal combustion flat engine in 1896.

Edit: No op I wasn't, but other people were, they verified it and anyway there is more than one book or account that talks about the invention of the car..Unlike the people in your bible, there are no other accounts for them.|||Why, that's exactly right! With such in-depth research and critical thinking like that, you're bound to go far in life, my man!

Have you considered your future career path? Perhaps the job of Minister of Agriculture in North Korea would suit you?|||I know you think you're insulting us Atheist, but really I see that as an insult against the your own intelligence and that of your fellow Christians.|||oh here's a xtian trying to be satirical. eh excuse you, xtian, your bible is a mythical satire, didn't you know?|||Those who don't understand analogy - this is modeled after evolution.|||The future looks bleak, with retards like YOU on the loose ...

... I got a couple of cousins that were home-schooled JUST LIKE YOU, with really evangelical Christian parents. Rural, poor ... you know the drill. By age 18, those boys were "DUMB AS TREE STUMPS" and barely qualified to work in their daddy's (very small) lumber mill.|||You're attempt to mock evolution isn't all that good.....|||its quite funny really because of course cars did evolve it didn;t just happen over night "poof modern cars appear" of course your dates are questionable but when this evolutionary process began?[when was the wheel invented?]! of course my advice to you would be to do a little research on your subject matter before attempting to write about it. and to inform you poor misinformed Americans henry fords contribution to the car was minimal. if you would like more information about the evolution of cars please email.

you can't blame people for thinking you were home schooled perhaps you should have listened

also for proof i have seen the cars [fossils] themselves in museums or are you really suggesting that they were only built to throw us off when in fact cars came about by magic poof there's your air conditioned automatic transmission satellite navigated hydraulic braked pneumatic Tyre's fuel injected self propelled carriage|||It can be demonstrated that cars do not reproduce. There are no genetic similarities between a Camaro and a Corvette because they have no genetic information.

Show the world that cars can and do reproduce and show me cars have genetic information and you'll start backing up your proposition. When a biologist claims living things reproduce with modification it can be demonstrated and the claim can be tested by anyone. When a biologist claims a chimpanzee and a bonobo have genetic similarities, the genetic information is there and can be examined by anyone. I've no problem with you denying these indicate a common ancestry. I do have a problem with you saying it's false because of this absurdity.

*You may not include you specifically, rather those that reject the claims of descent with modification.

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